• Unhealed Scars: Unresolved Childhood Trauma’s Ripple Effect in Conflict Areas

    Unhealed Scars: Unresolved Childhood Trauma’s Ripple Effect in Conflict Areas

    Imagine a generation raised on the soundtrack of bombs and the sight of destroyed buildings. For numerous youngsters living in conflict areas like Gaza, where constant bloodshed leaves severe emotional wounds, this is their sad reality. Leaving these kids to struggle with untreated trauma has far-reaching effects that go well beyond personal misery and have a significant influence on international society.

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  • Political correctness: A new paradigm shift

    Political correctness: A new paradigm shift

    Political correctness is a term that has gained widespread usage in recent years, particularly in discussions around language and social norms. It is a term that has been both praised and criticized, with some seeing it as a way to empower marginalized groups and others viewing it as a form of censorship that seeks to suppress free speech. In this article, we will explore the concept of political correctness and its impact on society, particularly…

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  • The Role of Technology in Changing Modern Human Behavior

    The Role of Technology in Changing Modern Human Behavior

    Technology has played a significant role in shaping modern human behavior. It has changed the way we communicate, work, learn, and socialize. From the advent of the internet to the rise of social media platforms, technology has transformed the way we live our lives. In this article, we will explore the impact of technology on human behavior and how it has led to both positive and negative changes.

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