Who We Are

The Gaza Emotional and Mental Support (GEMS) initiative is a beacon of hope for the children of Gaza. The ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip has left an indelible mark on the lives of these children. The loss, displacement, and disruption caused by conflict can lead to prolonged psychological damage.


GEMS recognizes that addressing their mental health needs is crucial for their present and future well-being. This collaborative effort by Egyptian mental healthcare providers aims to help with the critical mental health issues of the young survivors and their families who managed to flee to Cairo. This includes group and individual initial assessment, counselling sessions and follow up reporting system to keep track of cases’ progress. Parents and caregivers are also equipped with resources to help guide their children through the crisis.


The vision of the GEMS initiative is to create a future where children in Gaza can cope with and recover from the trauma inflicted by conflict. This is achieved by providing mental health and psychosocial support to children in armed conflict.



Our mission is to provide comprehensive emotional and mental support to the children of Gaza. We are committed to:


Healing Hearts

Offering a safe space for children to express their emotions, process trauma, and build resilience.

Restoring Hope

Empowering children to envision a brighter future and believe in their own strength.

Building Community

Fostering connections among children, caregivers, and mental health professionals.


Advocating for increased awareness, resources, and policies that prioritize children’s mental well-being.

What We Do

Assessment and Outreach:

– Identifying children in need through community outreach, schools, and shelters.

– Conducting mental health assessments to understand individual needs.


Individual Counseling:

– Offering one-on-one counseling to address trauma, anxiety, and grief.

– Supporting children in developing coping strategies.


Parental Support and Education:

– Equipping parents and caregivers with tools to support their children.

– Conducting workshops on parenting during crisis.


Collaboration with Partners:

– Partnering with organizations, schools, and local authorities.

– Coordinating efforts to maximize impact.

How You Can Help

Spread Awareness

Use your voice and social media platforms to raise awareness about the mental health challenges faced by children in Gaza. Share stories, statistics and information about GEMS initiative and how we are trying to help these young souls. Use #GEMSGaza to amplify our message.



If you have relevant skills or expertise, consider volunteering your time to support GEMS initiative. Your simplest collaboration can create a noticeable difference in the life of a single child crying for help. You can easily contribute to the initiative by introducing a new survivor to our mental healthcare providers through filling in the new case intake form here.


Join us as a mental healthcare provider

If you are a mental healthcare provider, psychologist, psychiatrist or of any profession relevant to mental healthcare, please feel free to join our task force to help our team grow and hence provide more help and support on a larger scale. You can join us by filling in the registration form here.


Educate Yourself and Others

Learn more about the specific mental health needs of children in Gaza. Understand the impact of trauma, displacement, and ongoing conflict. Share this knowledge with others to foster empathy and understanding. You can start by downloading our TIC (Trauma-Informed Care) manual here.



Consider making a financial contribution to help us reach out to more and more children in Gaza. Your donation can help provide effective mental health services, counseling and support to those affected by trauma and conflict. Make a donation here.

HEAL Palestine

HEAL Palestine is a nonpolitical, nonprofit humanitarian organization with leaders with more than three decades of building programs and projects in Palestine. Through Health, Education, Aid, and Leadership, HEAL Palestine is working to provide every young Palestinian in Gaza a chance for a brighter future.


We are honored to join HEAL Palestine in their quest to extend a lifeline of mental health and emotional support to the children of Gaza who have endured the unimaginable. Nestled in the bustling heart of Cairo, GEMS initiative is the on-the-ground task force standing ready to embrace these young souls who managed to escape the ongoing conflict. However, for these children, Cairo is a temporary haven—a stepping stone on the way to a brighter future with the tremendous aid provided by the team of HEAL Palestine that charts a course towards comprehensive treatment in the United States.


Follow HEAL Palestine here. Official Website HEALPalestine.org